Published Year
McGraw Hill
Edition : 2
Format : Publisher PDF
File Size : 143.7 MB
ISBN : 9781265839789, 9781265838775
by Laura A. King, Dax Urbszat (Author)
Can you be awake and conscious while you are asleep and dreaming? How does meditation really work? Can you be addicted to social media? Why do we remember things that didn’t happen and forget things that did?
King, The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View is designed to spark curiosity. What makes this Introductory Psychology resource unique? Interesting questions like the ones noted above are weaved throughout and explored in depth from a psychological perspective to engage students and create relevancy to the content. The second Canadian edition of King examines the science of psychology from an appreciative perspective. Rather than highlighting why things go wrong, King celebrates why things go right. The result is a scientific view of psychology that will inspire learners to be curious about the world around them.
Product Details
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. Canada;
ISBN: 9781265839789
ISBN: 9781264832125
Copyright: 2024
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