Published Year
Edition : 7
Format : Publisher PDF
File Size : 80 MB
ISBN : 9780136774143, 9780136774242, 9780136774389, 9780136774075, 9780136774167
by David J.A. Dozois (Author)
This ISBN is for the Pearson eText and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplement. As the world shifts to a greater reliance on digital media, it is appropriate that this text evolves as well. This seventh edition is the first fully digital version of Perspectives in Psychopathology. Instructors and students will find that, although the medium has changed, the content is fully consistent with prior editions. Â Perspectives in Psychopathology exemplifies its subtitle by cohesively presenting the numerous individual perspectives of its expert contributors. It presents the differing psychological perspectives by discussing various relevant paradigms with emphasis on the conceptual approaches and therapeutic interventions that have garnered the most empirical support in research literature. While it does pay tribute to the best of international research, it does not ignore the world-class scholarship happening in our own country, and this gives the book its uniquely Canadian perspective.
Product Details
Publisher: Pearson Canada;
ISBN: 9780136774143
ISBN: 9780136774143
Copyright: 2023
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