Published Year
Edition : 2
Format : Publisher PDF
File Size : 39.1 MB
ISBN : 9789351529811
By L Krishna
This book on “OBSTETRICS PROTOCOLS” provides latest information on venous, physiological and pathological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and women’s health in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. The contents have been presented in a simple language, which will cover the basics as well as the practical clinical tips. All pregnant women are at risk of obstetric complications. Many life-threatening complications occur during labor and delivery, and all of them cannot be predicted. To respond to these emergencies, it is important that obstetricians and gynecologists prepare themselves by assessing potential emergencies that might occur, creating plans that include establishing early warning systems, designating and training personnel to handle emergencies, and conducting emergency drills. The book is a comprehensive account of the entire obstetric process—with sections covering Antepartum, Labor, Postpartum, Medical Disorders in Pregnancy, Infections in Pregnancy and Gynecological Disorders in Pregnancy. This book will surely serve as a practical guide to every practicing obstetrician and would make a difference to every obstetrician’s clinical practice.
Product Details
Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2nd edition (November 11, 2021)
Publication date : November 11, 2021
Language : English
Format : Print Replica
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