Published Year
Edition : 1
Format : EPUB
File Size : 6.5 MB
ISBN : 9780323961288, 9780323995795
by Asmita Das (Author)
Our body is not sterile and harbors enumerable microflora that are now being understood to play a complex role in immune regulation and shaping of the immune system in a continuous and dynamic way. In 8 chapters, Microbial Crosstalk with Immune System: New Insights in Therapeutics provides an overall introduction with special focus on how the immune system which is specifically geared to get rid of non-self-antigens, allows numerous microbes to colonize the human body. In the presence of microbes there are several observations that suggest that there are multiple roles that are played by these microbes in tumor progression and shaping of our immune system which is explained at length in subsequent chapters.
Microbial Crosstalk with Immune System: New Insights in Therapeutics discusses the emerging mechanisms of immune-therapeutics as well as its limitations while emphasizing the potential role of microbes in shaping immune-therapeutic and evolving novel strategies to deal with any limitations.
Focuses on the modulation of immune system by the microbiome, thus affecting cancer prognosis Discusses various current research strategies in the field that are still in experimental stages. enabling readers to gain a perspective on the ongoing research in the field Gives insight into the emerging mechanisms of immune-therapeutics and its limitations Emphasizes the potential role of microbes in shaping immune-therapeutics
Product Details
Publisher: Elsevier Science; July 26, 2022
Language: English
ISBN: 9780323961288
ISBN: 9780323995795
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