by Shirley Ooi; Matthew Low; Peter Manning (Author)
This book aims to achieve a fine balance between a practical evidence-based tool, that can be carried around to be used at the patients? bedside, and a comprehensive reference with sufficient information for examination requirements in Emergency Medicine, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level. This edition preserves several of its predecessor?s hallmark features, in particular: Easy-to-read format: clinical descriptions are presented succinctly, key points are highlighted, and problems are introduced with a symptom-based approach in Part 1; Popular sections such as Caveats, covering pitfalls likely to be encountered in clinical practice, and Special Tips for GPs.New features of this edition include: Clear demarcation between chapters for basic learners (medical students) and advanced learners, with 805 pages for basic learners and advanced chapters marked with blue bars on the sides; Thorough revision of all chapters, including more comprehensive illustrations; 9 additional brand-new chapters, including 3 chapters on emergency CT interpretation; QR codes to: more than 100 between clinical photos, radiological images and videos; reference chapters, to ensure that the extra information is available without making the book too voluminous.
Product Details
Publisher: McGraw-Hill;
ISBN: 9789813311503
ISBN: 9789814923446
Copyright: 2022
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